About Us
  • About Us
  • Company details
  • Equal Opportunity Policy
  • VAT - disability adaptations
  • Liability Insurance
  • Fiscal policy
  • Entryphone trademark
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Web security and Cookies
  • CIS Tax Deduction Scheme
  • GDPR Policy
  • Direct Debit
  • Bank details
Insurance Policy

A copy of the entire policy document is held by our brokers. It is the Policy of this company to ensure that we have adequate insurance cover that not only satisfies the legal requirements but is of a sufficient level to ensure confidence in all our staff, customers and anyone we may deal with. All queries relating to insurance should be addressed directly to our brokers.

Insurance Details

Click here to download our insurance policy

Limits of Indemnity

Employers Liability £10,000,000 any one occurrence inclusive of costs. Public Liability: £5,000,000 any one occurrence/unlimited in all. Products Liability: £5,000,000 any one occurrence and in all.
